sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011


Ok, so here it is. I'm exhausted, feeling like running the whole night in the rain, sleeping for a whole day. My mind just feels tired of thinking, fitting the pieces of the puzzle. Lots of things going on, lots of thoughts, lots of feelings. It was the most exhausting 3 days i had this year, and i mean it. I never thought so much about plans and the future. I need to rest, i need to sleep.

But before i do that... For now on i'm a blank page. The past is past, and it's gone. No looking back, no plans, no bridges. I'm here, now. This is the place, this is the time. I'll do what i have to do now, and i won't make anymore plans for when i'm back to Brasil. I can't guarantee nothing more, to no one. No more promises until i'm back to Brasil. Until I get back, i'm in Norway, i'm in Stavanger, i'm working for Laget, i'm photographing people, places, situations, i'm learning, i'm thinking, i'm becoming, i'm laughing, i'm crying. That's the only way i can live my life now. I cannot look further, i just can look the present time. I don't know what will happen later, i don't have a grasp of what are the plans, i really don't know. But one thing i know: I'm in Norway, and that's the time to get things done. No more, no more.

By the way, this is today's song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFMzeZHyPh8

I love you, all.

Um comentário:

  1. Hi Gabriel! Sorry to hear that you are tired and exhausted! I hope for you that it will soon turn, and be to the better. Hope everything is fine with all you guys staying in Stavanger. Take care and good luck Gabriel! God bless you :)
